03 May 2013 | 6:34 AM | 0 comments

Omg. Vixx nak release first mini album on their first anivessary (eh betul dok eja?). Aaaaa. Omg. It's kill me... B..But.. I don't have enough money. Tsk. Poor me. Hakyeon, oppa pls buy me your new album bby. I need it. I hope korang banyakkan photobook kay?
First, I want buy Seo In Guk album then B1A4 new album. Omg. That album too cool. Srsly. 88 pg photobook and got random sticker. I want it. Jinyoung, buy for me;; Okay. Bana feel comebaek again. Kekeke.
Next, I wanna buy Aina's I mean Hana's present for her bday.. But I'll buy it soon after I have money. But it's mine and you take my.. You na mean? Kekeke. Then buy vixx first mini album. Aaaa. I can't wait. VIXX PLEASE BE MOAR FLAWLESS, DEARRRS. LMAO.
Wait. Bila EXO nak kambek ni. Aigoo, SooMan ni memey nak mati eh? Pergi debut girl group baru boleh pulak. Exo comeback tak boleh. Fxck gilaaaa. Astagfirullah. Insaflah. Cewahhh.
Okay. I'm done. Kbye.

*Omg. Baby Hyukkie too cute. Byeomm.