A sad day.
15 April 2013 | 11:49 PM | 0 comments

Tsk. Today was so suck!! Argh. I hate it. Why I wake up late today? Pft. Aaaaaaaa. So sad. And my mom tak habis habis membebel je. You supposed send me to school but you you you. Ah. Seriously damn. Astagfirullah. Jangan mencarut Zamira;; Forgot about it lah. It will be last last last day! I promise. In Sha Allah :3

Ta-da. This picture make me feel better. Wuuu. But today..... Ugh. Some bitch being rude dengan cikgu. Waddaf*ck. Kau dah takde maruah ke ha? Nak tengking tengking cikgu? Dah lama hidup eh? Ke memang taknak dapat 8A? Sah memang taknak cium bau syurga. Insaf ah weh. Even I'm not prefect but tak salahkan kalau kita nasihatkan rakan sekelas? Sorry to say okay? I hope all my classmates will insaf soon. Amin~
Dah lah. Haish. Bila fikir pasal tu, jadi gila aku dibuatnya. Hahaha. Btw vixx will prepare their comeback next month. Omg. Omg. Omg. Rovix tell me. Hee. Wait. Who's Rovix? Pft. You danna? Okay. You're not STARLIGHT. Shooh Shoooh. Die please. Hell no. Hahahaha.
Rovix, this is serious right? I hope they will comeback soon. Woooo. Aaaaaaa. Okay I'm over excited pulak. hahahaha. Damnnnn. If vixx comeback, Hana will be starlight baek. Lolwhat. Hahaha. Wheeee. Okay I already crazy. Mom help me!!! Eh, I mean Hakyeonnnnnnnnnnnn help meeee babehhhhhhhh. Muahhhhh ;***

Okay bye. I dont know what to say anymoarrr. Tharanghaeeee