13 April 2013 | 7:15 AM | 0 comments

Agh. Sexy overload. Poor my innocent eyes. Lolwhat. Hee. WTF. I'm so byuntae today. Pft. Hyemi, please stop it. Stay normal, dude. But... but.. I kennot. Huaaaaa;; Mom. Help mehhhhhhhhhh. Youngjae ahhhhhh, I love you damn much babeh. Asdfghjkl. Why? Why? Btw I love Zelo too but he is my menantu. Lolwhat. Harhar.
My name already changed. Whee. No more Goo Hyoseon. Teheee~~ You call me Lee Hyemi. Hongbin's young sister. Aww. My oppa so so so so handsome and..... Ugh. I'm dying again and again..

Hana srsly make me rlab. Haha. She fangulling sumpah macam !@#$%. You na mean? Haha. Joke babeh. Kau fangulling comel kay. COMEL. Ugh. Bitch please. Harhar.
I'm crazy tonight. Tsk. Crazy about VIXX and BAP and BTOB(?) Mybe. How about EXO? OMG OMG. Lu Han so so so so so hot with his pinkeu hair. Luhannnnnnnnnnnnn why you change yr hair? You stole my heart. C'mon give my heart back bcause my heart only for HakSungYoungJaehwan. Hahaa. Too many husbandssssss. Lmao.
This srsly kill me. Omg. Xi Luhan, stop it or I'll be your 12542843 wifeu. Hahahaha.

See!! I'm crazy right now. Pft. Pabo me. Kekekekeke.

Okay bye. This byuntae gull had a lot of workssss to do. Nyanyanyan. Keep calm and love my bro nae? Tharanghaeee!!