04 April 2013 | 11:52 PM | 0 comments

Ta-daaaaaaa. New again. Wheee~ Awesome right? Ugh. Bitch please. So shupp? Dah lama gila aku tak on blog aku ni dek masa yang tak lapang lapang. Hahaha. Nobody cares duh. Omg omg omg. Tomorrow is KENDAYYYYYYYYYY!!! YEAYYY. My husband gonna be old man now. Lmao. Tsk. Nevermind he still cute and so so so so funny. Muahahah.

Vixx Diary come on again. And so very funny. Hahaha. But Leo still being Jung Taekwoon. Tsk. Leo, please say something, dude. I love Leo's idiot face. Hahaha. So cute babeh. Lmaoooo.

Aww. The rappper take care about the artwork. Omg. So cutee !!

Cha Hakyeon, why you face liddat, idiot? Its cute actually. I heart it.

Leader N is the best. Hee. Mine kayyy! Lol.